Wednesday, 19 March 2014

What we could become as a Nation!!!

The Maldives is the Island in the Sun; with so much sun that we should probably start experimenting with solar technologies. Why are we not? Can we not bring in foreign investments in the shape of technological firms that research on renewable energies rather than making political statements of utilising Green technologies just to make headlines? The government Flats and Office's and other buildings for public and it's own usage can be of renewable technologies right? I wonder why we make all these studies and report on Green Technologies but really do not do anything on it? Is it the Capital costs that are too high or is it because specific companies and businesses might lose their profits if we invest in Green Technologies?
What about research from our Oceans and Coral Reefs? Professor Ugail has an island now in Lhaviyani Atoll that i await to see some solid research come out of. What about the Marine Research Centre? Can we not expand it? Is there no investment in new medicinal developments or Marine research that might be beneficial to the world as well as Maldives?
I wonder often why we do not produce world class Divers? Can our Coast Guard be turned into one of the finest Diving Units in the world and maybe specialise in salvage? Maybe then we will have more vessels donated from international donors.
What about a Solar Hybrid Hydro kind of technologies that can make a electricity grid that can power up the whole country as well as power one of the most advanced Information Technology hubs? The IT Hub can support and host servers for world renown multi nationals and banks and so forth. IT is a great field for a nation that has limited resources and land to utilise. Our dependency on Fisheries is vulnerable. Another nuclear leak into the oceans can deplete our fishes and contaminate our waters.
Then there is the clear blue waters that surround us. International standard Ocean swimmers? Maybe in the long run that can be something we develop.
We have limited land and limited human capital; but if effectively utilised we can grasp development at rates our neighbours cannot. We have lesser problems as a society than the rest of the nations. We are unique but we refuse to capitalise on that uniqueness.
Of course we need a stable government to do all this; but more than that we need a ready to move population; that is aware and up for it. Unless the people demand these changes from our politicians, we will be stuck in this loop of building sea walls and flats. There are so many areas of development and technology and productive activities that can preserve our fragile ecosystem and protect our islands. It is just too easy to say "or we are tiny islands far away and we cannot develop them it is too expensive"; since we it is not expensive to build Bridges between those islands a hundred airports we do not need. Healthcare, Education, Sports Centres and much more can be amongst the list of productive and economically viable areas of development that we can invest and benefit from. Maybe one day we will see it a reality!

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