Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Every class I sit I think how much of the information that I grasp would really change my views. Everyday at the end I decide that at least one new idea has enriched me. This helps me believe that as humans every interaction can educate us and give us knowledge in some respect.Then I start to compare the rigid and interaction free class rooms in the schools of Maldives and the interactive and challenging class rooms over here. If we refrain from questioning we shall never learn. If we refrain from seeking answers to the questions we ask ourselves we shall never grow as a person. It is my dream that the schools of Maldives will become more interactive and teach children to doubt, question and learn from debate and discussion. For now I have to re-educate myself to do the same. The damage of the schools back home left its scars. Cheers have a lovely day people.


  1. Music to my ears! A lot of people are intimidated by questioning, which often stops the asker in their tracks. If we don't ask the questions we need answers to the learning stops right there, so does development. We are not machines that need a measured amount of fuel to power ourselves along, we have an active learning aperture that will expand and contract as we use it or not, we call it the mind!

    Very pleased to see you blogging again ;o)

  2. well said... can i use "We are not machines that need a measured amount of fuel to power ourselves along, we have an active learning aperture that will expand and contract as we use it or not, we call it the mind!" bit in my next post please

  3. Of course you can, I am always happy and humbled when quoted ;o)
