Sunday, 27 April 2014

Solar Energy, is it our Future?

The Maldives is a nation of Sun and lots of clear skies. It was no surprise that one of the first alternative, renewable energy sources that the nation experimented with was Solar Energy. The efficiency of the solar energy concept is not as simple as one may fathom from grade science knowledge; i learned for myself. 

SUNLIGHT: The first thing that is required is sunlight, if it is Solar Photovoltaic or heat from the sun, if it is Solar-thermal, such as the water heaters we have been using for over 15 years. The Maldives boasts at average 9-12 hours of sunlight per day for 80% of the year at average. There is clearly no lack of sunlight for the day.

STORAGE: Solar energy requires batteries that will be used to store the energy from the day for usage at night. With current capacity of batteries, it is almost negligent to use it all through out a night with Air Conditioning and Refrigerators sucking in all the energy through out the night. The current batteries in the market are expensive as well as not to the efficiency we seek. 

STILL USE GRID: We still require the Grid usage, from the fossil fuel burning power stations, for night usage as well as in days when there is too less sunlight. Also the Grid can be used, with proper directions and guidelines, to sell back or give back excessive energy that is produced during the day, back to the power plant, and used for equal distribution. Hence we still cannot fully depend on Solar energy alone.

COST: It is too costly for a normal average pay citizen to install a full solar panel system with storage capacities for night usage and maybe even use LED lights to reduce energy consumption. The costs of batteries and panels, and the strengthening of the roofs to hold the panels, and the surface areas that are required to produce the needed energy per household is way too high. Then there is the man power and other costs for installations and maintenance as well. 

LOAN SCHEME: Japan and other European nations such as Germany boasts, government subsidies and loan schemes that allow for their citizens to enjoy renewable energy systems including solar power. Unless we come up with another such scheme the nation cannot simply afford it. There was renewable energy government loan scheme that was started with assistance of international donors back in 2010; which we have not heard of ever since

ASSISTANCE: As a small island nation, Maldives is the beneficiary of many loans and financial projects aimed at renewable energy. Looking at the news within this year alone we can see that. International donors encouraging the government to start renewable energy schemes. We should take them with open arms if we are to keep up our Environmental Image or think of our Future and the Earth and reduce our carbon footprint and simply for reasons, we WILL run out of fossil fuel soon enough.

CURRENT STATUS:There are private companies that install and initiate and provide solar and hybrid power schemes in Maldives already. Some islands and Schools and building already use a solar scheme in association with the State Power Companies as well as the Utility Companies and the private companies. These schemes are highly costly to install initially but in the long run they save finances and the world it self. Hence there is no QUESTION here on if we need to opt for solar or alternative energy sources.

Our government at current is adamant in finding fossil fuel from our reef beds! If only the people begin their journey by opting for ENERGY saving equipment and household property such as LED Bulbs and learn to be more energy wastage concious. Maldivian government should be INVESTING in renewable energy sources. We could provide facilitation for renewable energy companies of the world to experiment their new technologies in Maldives. We are so few in nation but with utter necessity for saving the environment, by encouraging renewable energy sources through out the world. Unless we show by action, our calls for world wide environmental awareness will go unheard. Follow what we preach!

Largest Local Company with renewable energy options:

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Aamu Raiyithunge Party- a Common Man's Party, in Maldives???

The AAP of India has seen radical success with their push for anti-corruption and Right to Information legislatures to be implemented, with Mr.Kejriwal at it's helm. The party that was founded in 2012 has seen notable success in the Lok Sabhah. So how has such a new party been able to defy the veteran political giants of India? It seems to me that the appeal of the AAP lies in its foundation of grass root connections that they hold dearly, and the actions that follow their words, of allowing "clean politicians" to be developed. Rather than resurrecting dinosaurs, that had previously been part of a corrupt system, AAP resorted to giving opportunity for newer leaders with backgrounds that their constituents can be proud of. It is yet soon to say how far they will go or if they will stay true to their words; and for how long. For Politics and Power Corrupts most people, but unless we Hope and Desire we can never develop or take the chance for that development, for our nation.
To look at Maldives, a much smaller nation with less than 400,000 persons, it should not be difficult to find leaders that have not let the people down. Leaders, who will not forget their roots and their promises. Call me a romantic or an ideologist, but the world is showing examples of such ideologies and fantasies coming true. Which society would reject a Political Party that is comprised of the Common Man and represents their true interests, and pushes for an Open and Transparent government, and is adamant on implementation of Anti-Corruption measures? Which society would reject the man with the broom who will sweep their roads clean and flush their toilets and wash their cloths for them? An entity that would only be as powerful as it's members and supporters let it be, and directed by open good governance policies, has no hidden agendas and works for the common good for all; such can be a common persons party. The question is, is there room for such a new party in the Maldives? Are we capable of following in the footsteps of AAP? Why does Transparency scare the current regime of politicians? Maybe because they all belonged once, to a government that ruled the nation for 30 years with a so called 'iron fist' that they once revelled under!