Saturday 11 October 2014

Sports in Maldives!

We are a nation surrounded by oceans and the most beautiful beaches in the world. Our population is scattered to tiny islands, but the one sport we really seem to excel at is Football. That does not mean we do not have opportunities with other sports. We as a society was 'encouraged' by the governments to play more football. We have had past successes with badminton and cricket and carom. People might laugh it off as why does the government even care about such petty games? Well it is the healthy thing to do! Literally! 
Recently we had the spectacle of our teams not being exceptionally good but remarkably good at the Asian Games, and the popular government TV channel host Shakeeb making fun of the expenses on teams for sports and how we do not produce results. Well first of all sports keeps our youth away from drugs and many other unhealthy habits for it engages the mind and the physique of a person as well as takes away their free time that they might use not so usefully. Sports is a solution for many social issues and when one such 'celebrity' on one of the longest running TV programs, criticises the efficacy of utilising money on sports; the joke is on him. As a 'journalist' or 'TV Presenter' he should not assume things and cast such a controversy over such an important component of society without any basis or realising that the funds for most of our sports activities are in fact from international sources. 
Then again, like most of our 'professionals' why should we care about facts and figures and the truth? Let us all politicise it and call it a political statement. Maybe it is, but the society needs to realise the implications are rather more damaging to society as a whole! It is a a very wrong message to the community and the youth! We all know not to trust the government, please, we do not need Shakeebe' telling us that! Then again is he also not paid by the government? So is he biting the hand that feeds him? Maybe the politics of sports associations and politicians is so far rooted we need a legislation or a societal response! No more Sports Politics!!! Do not let any political entity hijack the sports we love! It should be one of those things that brings us together not breaks and divides us! If the people want they can play other sports as well....let us bring on more water sports maybe...or rather build a damn swimming pool for our swimmers so they can practice before the games; before we call them 'disappointing'. Your shameful negative attitude and 'afraid of loosing power' belief system should not get in the way of the youth! We are not all politicians!

LIFE in Maldives!

P.S This article is based on authors own assumptions/observations and naive interpretations of what he sees in our society.

SOCIETY TODAY: Maldivian society today is a healthy one of many subcultures and denominations that are more often misread and ignored and dismissed by the larger majority. The sub cultures based on religious beliefs and political beliefs and scientific beliefs work in their own cliques within the society. We may choose to say we are 'united' and 'one religion' and are 'peace loving' citizens. That would be factually and evidentially wrong; and a downright lie! Our society is based on few rich people who own the resorts and major businesses to smaller businesses funded by the richer Old Guard and politicians who are financially supported by the same old dinosaurs and a society that lacks proper knowledge and basic life skills. We believe the epitome of life is to own a big smart phone (emphasis on big rather than high technology) and a flashy motor bike or car and with numerous visits to restaurants and cafĂ©'s every day. We are the definition of an MTV generation that has continued its apathy towards real life issues and focussed more on the flashy magazine life styles. We put down our books and play games on tablet devices. We preach religion to cover our own guilt and label another as a Kafir way too often, while never looking in the mirror ourselves. We forgot that religion can only unite when we actually wanted to unite. The biggest problem of all is kids having kids! Our youth, in their prime, with degrees and international undergraduate education, get married and have kids, while they themselves have yet to throw down their own bibs, and contribute to society. The spoon fed population that the 30 year dictatorship created has rooted itself through the non-functional educational system. We eat and drink and spend what we do not have and desire what we never really need. Basic facilities or health care and transportation have not developed as the society is actually quite content with what it has right now! 

DEMOCRACY AND REVOLUTION: we never had a revolution since the times of Mohammed Thakurufaanu! The democracy movement was halted and the revolution grasped for its final breath with the first multi party election. The roots of the Old Guard run deep and strong and within all political entities in the country. This counteracts any democracy loving statesmen or politicians. Then again how will we have a revolution when the people do not really need one? They are engaged in extra curricular activities through out the day and night and are quite content with their situation. Unless there is a deep rooted desire and necessity there shall be no revolution. Democracy? Well we first need to know and understand what it is. I am not surprised there still are people who think democracy means we vote in parliamentarians that make the biggest promise and that is it. 

DRUGS, GANGS AND JUDICIARY: Heroine, Cocaine, Hashish, Weed, Alcohol, LSD, Meth, Horse tranquillizers and sleeping pills and so much more is abundant in the Maldives. The UN reported that the illicit drug trade is a billion Rufiyaa per year industry. It employs more politicians and gangs and judges than the government!Judiciary? Well when the highest standard of education of a Supreme Court Judge still stands at basic diploma or less and at times judges do not know Islamic Law nor Common Law; the basic tenets of our judicial system and laws. Some barely speak or read English language; I wonder how they even go through complex banking and financial documents in cases. Judges do not need to have a specific educational qualification of higher standard, but basic literary skills, knowledge, experience, morality, ethics and other such qualities seem far more important; at least for this lay person it seems so. The Gangs always win their cases and it is not uncommon for most of the criminal law practising firms in Maldives benefit highly from criminal cases. It is a vicious circle.

EXTREMISM: another one of those terms i find hard to define. We have extremists at all areas and angles and mix and matches as well. Some say religious extremism is the problem, i say lack of education and politicising of religion is the Problem! The educational institutions that the government accepts for religious studies need to be revised! Religion is not the problem but those who practice it to the point of using it as a tool to suppress and again to be popular. The scholars of religion at times seem to be like celebrities! Why not show and lead by example? Volunteer at hospitals to show compassion; teach the Koran to show the support for education; write and discuss and argue over contentious issues amongst the scholars! Well when the society does not demand choice, but rather follow for it is the easier choice, this is where we will be.

TOP IT ALL: i would reiterate that the biggest problem still is Kids having Kids! While we are unable to feed, care or give proper education, we seem to have children. Of course this benefits the consumerism culture created by the financial/capitalist Old Guards. Socialism is a taboo subject! The culture of loans is now on! Home loans, electronic equipment loans to students loans! I myself am guilty of one! We do things just for the sake of doing! Our doctors are doctors because it pays more or was the easiest choice to get a scholarship. Our students aim to achieve top grades so their parents can boast about it amongst their friends! The children have children themselves because that is what their parents did. Learning from example! Yeah allow the youth to marry young to hold back their canal desires or what not, but don't encourage or force them to have kids, while they have not matured enough themselves! Is it all bad? NO!! It is good that we have not come to the breaking point of a revolution! It means we are still capable of healing ourselves! Who knows i might just be talking all crap while sitting at a coffee, with my expensive motorbike parked outside and typing on my brand new orange tablet! I hope the best contribution of mine to the society is not a fertilization of my biological specimen with another to produce another consumerist, sugar crazed, face on the tablet, following, spoon fed, entity! Good Night all you beautiful people; just go read a book

Sunday 27 April 2014

Solar Energy, is it our Future?

The Maldives is a nation of Sun and lots of clear skies. It was no surprise that one of the first alternative, renewable energy sources that the nation experimented with was Solar Energy. The efficiency of the solar energy concept is not as simple as one may fathom from grade science knowledge; i learned for myself. 

SUNLIGHT: The first thing that is required is sunlight, if it is Solar Photovoltaic or heat from the sun, if it is Solar-thermal, such as the water heaters we have been using for over 15 years. The Maldives boasts at average 9-12 hours of sunlight per day for 80% of the year at average. There is clearly no lack of sunlight for the day.

STORAGE: Solar energy requires batteries that will be used to store the energy from the day for usage at night. With current capacity of batteries, it is almost negligent to use it all through out a night with Air Conditioning and Refrigerators sucking in all the energy through out the night. The current batteries in the market are expensive as well as not to the efficiency we seek. 

STILL USE GRID: We still require the Grid usage, from the fossil fuel burning power stations, for night usage as well as in days when there is too less sunlight. Also the Grid can be used, with proper directions and guidelines, to sell back or give back excessive energy that is produced during the day, back to the power plant, and used for equal distribution. Hence we still cannot fully depend on Solar energy alone.

COST: It is too costly for a normal average pay citizen to install a full solar panel system with storage capacities for night usage and maybe even use LED lights to reduce energy consumption. The costs of batteries and panels, and the strengthening of the roofs to hold the panels, and the surface areas that are required to produce the needed energy per household is way too high. Then there is the man power and other costs for installations and maintenance as well. 

LOAN SCHEME: Japan and other European nations such as Germany boasts, government subsidies and loan schemes that allow for their citizens to enjoy renewable energy systems including solar power. Unless we come up with another such scheme the nation cannot simply afford it. There was renewable energy government loan scheme that was started with assistance of international donors back in 2010; which we have not heard of ever since

ASSISTANCE: As a small island nation, Maldives is the beneficiary of many loans and financial projects aimed at renewable energy. Looking at the news within this year alone we can see that. International donors encouraging the government to start renewable energy schemes. We should take them with open arms if we are to keep up our Environmental Image or think of our Future and the Earth and reduce our carbon footprint and simply for reasons, we WILL run out of fossil fuel soon enough.

CURRENT STATUS:There are private companies that install and initiate and provide solar and hybrid power schemes in Maldives already. Some islands and Schools and building already use a solar scheme in association with the State Power Companies as well as the Utility Companies and the private companies. These schemes are highly costly to install initially but in the long run they save finances and the world it self. Hence there is no QUESTION here on if we need to opt for solar or alternative energy sources.

Our government at current is adamant in finding fossil fuel from our reef beds! If only the people begin their journey by opting for ENERGY saving equipment and household property such as LED Bulbs and learn to be more energy wastage concious. Maldivian government should be INVESTING in renewable energy sources. We could provide facilitation for renewable energy companies of the world to experiment their new technologies in Maldives. We are so few in nation but with utter necessity for saving the environment, by encouraging renewable energy sources through out the world. Unless we show by action, our calls for world wide environmental awareness will go unheard. Follow what we preach!

Largest Local Company with renewable energy options:

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Aamu Raiyithunge Party- a Common Man's Party, in Maldives???

The AAP of India has seen radical success with their push for anti-corruption and Right to Information legislatures to be implemented, with Mr.Kejriwal at it's helm. The party that was founded in 2012 has seen notable success in the Lok Sabhah. So how has such a new party been able to defy the veteran political giants of India? It seems to me that the appeal of the AAP lies in its foundation of grass root connections that they hold dearly, and the actions that follow their words, of allowing "clean politicians" to be developed. Rather than resurrecting dinosaurs, that had previously been part of a corrupt system, AAP resorted to giving opportunity for newer leaders with backgrounds that their constituents can be proud of. It is yet soon to say how far they will go or if they will stay true to their words; and for how long. For Politics and Power Corrupts most people, but unless we Hope and Desire we can never develop or take the chance for that development, for our nation.
To look at Maldives, a much smaller nation with less than 400,000 persons, it should not be difficult to find leaders that have not let the people down. Leaders, who will not forget their roots and their promises. Call me a romantic or an ideologist, but the world is showing examples of such ideologies and fantasies coming true. Which society would reject a Political Party that is comprised of the Common Man and represents their true interests, and pushes for an Open and Transparent government, and is adamant on implementation of Anti-Corruption measures? Which society would reject the man with the broom who will sweep their roads clean and flush their toilets and wash their cloths for them? An entity that would only be as powerful as it's members and supporters let it be, and directed by open good governance policies, has no hidden agendas and works for the common good for all; such can be a common persons party. The question is, is there room for such a new party in the Maldives? Are we capable of following in the footsteps of AAP? Why does Transparency scare the current regime of politicians? Maybe because they all belonged once, to a government that ruled the nation for 30 years with a so called 'iron fist' that they once revelled under!

Friday 28 March 2014

Maldives NEEDS Change Once MORE!

AT SOME POINT we start to find ourselves looking back; at what we have accomplished and what we have failed at. The chances are we will repeat our own mistakes over and over again, unless we do something drastic about it. Eventually we have to break free from this circle of repetitive mistakes. Such is life.
MARCH 2014, we are back to where we once started. We are with the uttermost need for change once more. The only difference is, this time we need to change ourselves. Maybe Mahatma Gandhi was right; we should become the change we wish to see in this world. Maybe, that was our mistake then; we can correct it now. 
TODAY WE ENJOY the luxuries of technology and freedoms we did not have 5 years back, we only lack the luxury of time. The goals of yesterday are once more goals for us today. It would be easy to say forget the differences and unite to change the government; but we know that is not the way. We cannot forget how we came back to this situation once more, in full circle. We cannot let apathy grip the nation to its last breath. We cannot let a minority govern the majority simply due to mere lack of will and blatant laziness. We can easily say the past is the past and move on; but that will not be enough for history and the sake of our future generations.
THE ONLY WAY to do this, would be to educate and be aware. To learn and crate a knowledge based society that is strong in their beliefs and even stronger in their determination for development; of self and the nation. The duty owed to ourselves and the nation are ones we need to fulfill for we shall be judged on these duties.
UNLESS WE CAN EDUCATE and protect our younger generations we cannot create a future generation. If the political parties fail in creating younger generation of leading politicians and statesmen, and the withering veterans remain in power; there will be no future. There is almost no hope for the current failed politicians and if we are to wait until they; very likely pass away; then what would happen to the parties themselves? Wither and waste as well?
 NO WE CANNOT! The Parties need stronger programs for youth development and recruitment. Our education system needs an overhaul as we need more thinking and questioning and curious young adults. People who will not take anyone’s words merely for the sake but research and learn and make an educated decision. We need young adults that balance life, enriching their soul, physical body and life as a whole. Young people who are passionate in their beliefs, and love their nation.

THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE! We cannot just throw in the towel now! We have been lead to this moment by visionaries and idealists and believers in freedom and democracy and strong faith. It is time that we all chip in and collectively carry that torch. A nation is a structure that never finishes being built; we need to reinforce and redecorate regularly. It is a tree that needs constant watering, and a book that has to be carefully handled and read with an open mind. A Nation is an empty vase unless we plant the flowers of different colors and shades. A Nation is a boat that sails against and with the wind, depending on who is steering. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

What we could become as a Nation!!!

The Maldives is the Island in the Sun; with so much sun that we should probably start experimenting with solar technologies. Why are we not? Can we not bring in foreign investments in the shape of technological firms that research on renewable energies rather than making political statements of utilising Green technologies just to make headlines? The government Flats and Office's and other buildings for public and it's own usage can be of renewable technologies right? I wonder why we make all these studies and report on Green Technologies but really do not do anything on it? Is it the Capital costs that are too high or is it because specific companies and businesses might lose their profits if we invest in Green Technologies?
What about research from our Oceans and Coral Reefs? Professor Ugail has an island now in Lhaviyani Atoll that i await to see some solid research come out of. What about the Marine Research Centre? Can we not expand it? Is there no investment in new medicinal developments or Marine research that might be beneficial to the world as well as Maldives?
I wonder often why we do not produce world class Divers? Can our Coast Guard be turned into one of the finest Diving Units in the world and maybe specialise in salvage? Maybe then we will have more vessels donated from international donors.
What about a Solar Hybrid Hydro kind of technologies that can make a electricity grid that can power up the whole country as well as power one of the most advanced Information Technology hubs? The IT Hub can support and host servers for world renown multi nationals and banks and so forth. IT is a great field for a nation that has limited resources and land to utilise. Our dependency on Fisheries is vulnerable. Another nuclear leak into the oceans can deplete our fishes and contaminate our waters.
Then there is the clear blue waters that surround us. International standard Ocean swimmers? Maybe in the long run that can be something we develop.
We have limited land and limited human capital; but if effectively utilised we can grasp development at rates our neighbours cannot. We have lesser problems as a society than the rest of the nations. We are unique but we refuse to capitalise on that uniqueness.
Of course we need a stable government to do all this; but more than that we need a ready to move population; that is aware and up for it. Unless the people demand these changes from our politicians, we will be stuck in this loop of building sea walls and flats. There are so many areas of development and technology and productive activities that can preserve our fragile ecosystem and protect our islands. It is just too easy to say "or we are tiny islands far away and we cannot develop them it is too expensive"; since we it is not expensive to build Bridges between those islands a hundred airports we do not need. Healthcare, Education, Sports Centres and much more can be amongst the list of productive and economically viable areas of development that we can invest and benefit from. Maybe one day we will see it a reality!

The flight that has landed in our hearts

MY THOUGHTS: Thousands of people are tweeting and updating their status with ideas, rumours, links and heart felt emotions with regards to the Malaysian Airlines flight that is still missing. The officials and rescue workers from all over the world are busy at work and the media trailing, every step of their way. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and anguish of not knowing where the loved ones are; being felt by the families of the passengers. The nightmares that must follow them every night; as the strings of hope they hang on to break away one by one.
SELF CENTRED: To add to all this confusion and sorrow are the self-centred persons who should rather tie a stone around their feet and jump into the ocean. These people are playing with the feelings of the emotionally drained and information deprived families and loved ones. It is all fun and good if we knew what really happened and lives weren't at stake. I made a funny remark as well when I first heard the news. It was a surprise when the first headline appeared, “Malaysian Airlines Flight is missing”, but realising that the lives of hundreds of people on board and the families tied to them were in the balance; I simply felt empty myself. Imagine if someone made fun of a tragedy in our own nation and how we would feel. I wonder what really the people of the island of Maldives saw on Saturday morning? 
POLITICS: Then there is the various news agencies weaving theories like grandmothers knitting. Maybe stories such as this should be reserved for pure facts alone. False hope can hurt more than anything else, in this situation. Malaysian opposition politicians are ready to utilize the scenario to demonstrate the government’s incapability’s. The rest of the world uses it to mask other serious issues such as Russia and the Ukraine situation.
MOST IMPORTANT NEWS TODAY: this is the most heartless thing for one to say maybe, but it has to be said as well. There are thousands of people dying in Africa and the Middle East and for a moment we have forgotten about them. Unfortunately the missing MAS flight's news was a break from all those other serious issues, that once more will be spread across the headlines, all over the world.  If and when the airline is found, there will be relief for so many people in so different aspects. Today’s Malaysia will be tomorrow’s Ukraine or Syria once again.

MORAL OF THE STORY: there is no moral to it that I should dictate. The moral is whatever you find for yourself, reading the stories of the families in pain. Question yourself if whatever comment you make, on social media, with regards to persons lives; are they going to hurt or heal? This is once more an opportunity to look within ourselves and realise what we really have become, with easily available social media, thinning social boundaries and the ability to find support for all the wrong ideas we express, with ease, on the internet. I pray for the families and the persons on the MAS flight, and i pray for all the persons suffering through out the world. For today it might be you, tomorrow it would be me. 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Vote for Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) once more?

The struggle for democracy in Maldives left many a victims in its wake. After years of suppression, the common people got their voice and shed their fears. Mohamed Nasheed (Anni) was one of the leading, vocal activists that lead the cause and stood up against the Dictatorship of Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom (president from 1979-2008). Though Nasheed was not the first person to publicly stand up against Gayyoom, he was the most significant and prominent. MDP was the first and probably the only party with even menial standards of a democratic organisation. Nasheed was toppled within less than 3 years of presidency. The issues Nasheed faced that were more publicly aknoledged were that of a Corrupt Judiciary (with elements of the dictatorship remaining), the Deficit State Budget, the division of the nation and the high standards expected of him at national and international levels. 
More often we forget to realise some key reasons that could also be behind the toppling of Nasheed. These issues include; the in-fighting within MDP, the lack of "good people" willing to "get their hands dirty", the irrational and rushed political decisions that were more commonly decided in spite and the Political Deals that were made "in the interest of the people and greater good". 
Whatever those reasons may be, the fact remains that once more its MDP with Nasheed against the Dictatorship of Gayyoom (with his younger brother as elected president in 2013). A difference is that this time, the Supreme Court which was appointed by Nasheed (for what ever deals he had to do) is against him. The power wielding, undereducated, lipstick banning, sex tape releasing (all facts), Judges of the Supreme Court are backed by the Judicial Service Commission (that had it's composition decided in such a way that Judges from various courts hold majority-again during Nasheed's term in power). What ever the goodness in his heart, what ever the reason that he had to Sell out the Supreme Court and the JSC, the fact remains, none if it mattered or none of it yielded any good. We are back at square one. 
The Parliamentary elections on the 22nd of March, is when the people decide if they will elect persons based on their political affiliation or merely on their personal capacity. It is such a shame that, the only hope for reforming a judiciary that is now overturning decisions of the current parliament, is by electing the members of the only party that is publicly saying they will reform the judiciary; that is MDP. But how can we trust them to do something the second time when they failed initially? Will there be no more political deals that compromise their Core beliefs? Will I be left feeling ashamed for supporting them once more, if i chose to vote for the MDP candidate? This is a dilemma of the highest order! I would love to vote for the candidate who shows integrity and strength by themselves rather than stand feeble and weak unless for a party that backs them. I want and need those charismatic statesmen; but it looks like it is only a dream. 
This is one more reason why we need the "None of the Above (NOTA)" option in our elections. So we are not "forced" to vote for people we really do not wish for. 
I pray that MDP once more, holds it together, realises their mistakes and bring about the reforms; if they win majority in the parliament. 
The worst thing for the people to stop caring about politics and letting a dictatorship to grow once more. History does repeat itself. 
I wonder how i would feel at the end of the election? Will i feel like i have done not enough for my nation? Will i feel let down or hopeful? Will my hopes be once more, stifled and extinguished?  Only time will tell. Good luck all you good people.
 [Photo credit]

Sunday 9 March 2014

Maldives Chamber of Commerce raises Concern over the EU decision to tax Maldives Fish exports!

From January 2014 the European Union has decided to discontinue its Duty Free Fish imports from Maldives (under the Generalised System of Preference), based on the fact that Maldives has not ratified 27 International Conventions. While this might immediately affect the Fisherman as the Price of Fish vary between 10-3 USD per Kilo, the politics behind the decision is interesting.
The Maldives National Chamber of Commerce, lead by its President Ismail Asif has now made a statement saying that the EU decision was based solely to force Maldives to have Freedom of Religion in Maldives. He says that the EU is not willing to discuss the issue and continue their stance under the "ratify the conventions" argument. Asif also said that this was not democratic that Maldives is expected to be a fully fledged Democracy overnight when the European countries took hundreds of years to be where they are now today. He also said that he was waiting to see which NGO's (almost referring to Transparency Maldives) taking money from these organisations will try to justify these sanctions by the EU.
One main argument raised by Asif was that he questioned how the Government could allow an EU delegation to be present in the Maldives for Election Observation when a more important issue related to the second largest industry of Fisheries, was looming over head. He asked why the MNCCI was not allowed to meet with the delegation. I find it as an attack against the Government saying one side you Stand against EU and on the next you are supporting them.
All in all we need to remember that Asif was the person who cut the Democracy Cake and was arrested numerous times and was the right hand man standing with Mohamed Nasheed during the beginning of MDP and was one of the first Youth Wing leaders of MDP as well as many other actions for the democratic fight that lead to the 2008 Multi Party Election. Then on, he was stabbed by unknown persons and he was seen to depart from the MDP and he rose to the post of President of the MNCCI. I only hope that his intentions with this interview, where he said that the Fishermen might protest against the EU Election Observer teams in Male', is one still based on values of democratic reform. I cannot know if this is a strategy to support the current government or one that has much deeper meaning to it.
Asif has always stood on the right side up till now and i will give him the benefit of doubt. The points raised by Asif on some of the issues seems valid at some level. EU could have been more strict and effective, way before this, and their help would have been much appreciated, if it happened during the fight to remove dictator Gayyoom. They should have pressed Nasheed on the issues as well. So let us see how this plays out. I have a feeling that with the Supreme Court's decision to arrest all the members of the Election Commission should be addressed by the EU and the International Community as well.  Video Interview of MNCCI on EU

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Political Parties and the relationship with the people!

"Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty" Plato
I am not against Democracy in it self; but rather the situation of democracy in our little nation of Maldives. We have come from authoritarian rule to this democracy almost over night. The multi party election and the election of a democratic leader happened within the mere span of 5 years. It is not surprising that the rule of the democratic leadership was brought to an end by a Coup' D'etet. The dictator called upon the international community saying that he refrained from democracy as such for the "people were not ready". While i cannot agree with this argument, I also have to accept that democracy is now on it's brink today, once more in Maldives. The opposition is fighting for a majority in the Parliament to push a vote of no confidence against the president. The government coalition is determined to hold majority to suppress the opposition. The political turmoil leaves the people of Maldives in a fragile state as they are forgotten and left disappointed.
The political parties were designed to be representing the common people of the country and bring forth their needs and come up with solutions to make lives easier and better for the people. Too soon our politicians forgot their true intentions and was quick to make a profit for themselves. Being such a small nation of approximately 343,000 people, we have a Parliamentary representative for almost every 5000 persons and in 2014 we have 82 parliamentary positions to be filled; on March 22nd. The government has more than 200 political positions. Then there are the Public Private Partnerships companies and the Utility Companies and Government Trade organisations and independent bodies that the politicians elect persons for and the Courts and other institutions. All in all, the politicians amount to a large percent of the total population hence the benefits of the high salaries and medical insurance programs that the lay persons do not receive, could very well be tempting. Hence it is fair to assume that the number of political appointments works in favour of the Ruling party for then they can control these posts and also tie in their friends and family along as well. 
Today, as the independents compete for the parliament, they are often ridiculed by the Government coalition as being irrelevant or rather opposition to the states good intentions towards the people and the opposition parties see the independents as a insignificant, saying they have no real power in a democracy. But is not democracy about the will of the majority? 
Too soon we are loosing our focus and aim of a democratic state. Too soon have our statesmen become businessmen or playmates for the rich. Too soon are we forgetting that the bigger picture is not about people but ideas. It is not about preventing a dictatorship forming, nor is it about electing a specific party. This election elect persons who you see will benefit your constituency, across the partisan lines. No colours, no parties! For unless the both the governing and the opposition work for the benefit of the people, the democracy we seek will not come to be. We shall remain in a deadlock where it costs the people, their finances and time and lives. The failure of a government is the failure of the opposition party as well. Political apathy is developing for these reasons. Some say that Plato was right about a Republic rather than a Democracy. This is why some people say a fair authoritarian might work better for the people as it did in Singapore. I for one am sceptical as to go so far.There is hope via education and awareness. Once the people show their fairness in electing good people and statesmen for the parliament then we shall move towards a better democratic society. 

Monday 3 March 2014

Lost in Translation

We are too quick to use the words "democracy" and "freedom of speech" and "transaprency" but we lack the inherent understanding and belief in the words. Looking at the candidates debates for the parliament of Maldives it is evident that most candidates have a set speech with these buzz words. I wonder if they fully understand what they preach. Social media is another avenue where people express their opinions and get challenged and at times bullied for their expression. I wonder where we draw the line of reasonable debate and argumentation and bullying? This applies for media as well; when is it victims privacy over freedom of information? Untill as a society we understand these words and their importance and at times legislate in these areas, we will keep abusing these important terminology.

Monday 17 February 2014

The Courts of Maldives- Civil, High to Supreme!

Maldives has Magistrate Courts, Civil Courts, Criminal Court, High Court and the Supreme Court at the top; in its judicial structure. In the basic functioning, the High Court and Supreme Court are the highest appeal courts in that order. The Supreme Court is also the highest body that can "translate or define" what the constitution of Maldives reads. The Judicial Service commission is the independent body assigned with the important task of asserting that the Judges of our judicial system are of the highest behaviour and follow the laws they preach upon the defendants in courts. The Commission is comprised of Judges, Members of Parliament and Member of the Civil Service, a member appointed by the President and a Member appointed by the Public. The lines in this picture are so intertwined, hazy and unclear that these entities themselves do not understand where it begins and ends. 
We saw the biggest obstacles with the Court systems during the 3 years of President Nasheed. For what ever reason it was that he "padlocked" the Supreme Court; the decisions by the court itself is highly dubious. Then Nasheed "detained" the Criminal Court Judge Abdullah Mohammed and some believe, lead to Nasheed's downfall as well. The significance of Judge Abdullah is once more at an interesting intersection. The current Coalition Government backed Judge Abdullah when Nasheed detained him and now the current Government faces trouble from him as well. Before we get to this interesting area, let us look at what the Supreme Court did within the past year. 
The Supreme Court single handedly ruled over the parliament establishing that it can read the Constitution as it pleases. The Court also decided to delay the Presidential election (against the constitutional mandated dates) and also assigned special guidelines for the Elections Commission to follow. The public is now confused as to who is authoritative over whom; there was no clear decision. The Courts are still out on that!
Then now once more the Criminal Court (with Judge Abdullah) refuses to abide by the Directives of the High Court. Well with the example set by the Supreme Court in not following the Will of the Parliament, a precedence can be said to have formed. 
Then there was the Sex Scandal of the Supreme Court Judge Ali Hameed. The video of him having sexual relations with "prostitute" is being distributed in the public domain. The Judicial Service commission is yet to take any measures on the matter. Or and by the way, the commission is also investigating conduct by Judge Abdullah as well for another matter all on its own.
The Justice Ministry is busy trying to find ways to implement the death penalty while the status of our courts are highly questionable. 
Of course, we cannot forget the matter of the Minimal Criterion for a Judge (grade 7 standard if my facts are not wrong) and the exuberant salaries for life, insurance schemes and other privileges. The allowing of well known Criminals (including Murderers, like Shahum who was let out to the public by Judge Abdullah simply in his words "to show as an example" for something that no one is sure of; later to murder another person) to be free on the streets and travel to Sri Lanka for medical reasons, paid for by the state; has become common practice. Also let us not forget, Aishath Velezinee (the ex-member appointed by president Nasheed to the Judicial Service Commission) and how she single handedly protested at the Judges Swearing in ceremony ;she claimed that they were not following the Constitution and that all current Judges are not properly Sworn in! 
So, as the Public, what do we do? 

Sunday 9 February 2014

Death Penalty in the Maldives- is it being used as a political statement for the Parliamentary elections?

This is not about the application or implementation of the death penalty; this is whether the death penalty is used as a political tool to identify specific groups as being more "Islamic" than the others, by supporting it. The disturbing truth of the matter is the apathy towards the discussion and the fear of being labelled. This is a serious matter since we have not had anyone put to death by the state under a justice system since the early 1950's.
The issue had never been discussed or brought up by anyone other than religious persons who preached in the shadows during ex-president Gayyoom's presidency. Gayyoom had the scholars shunned and disgraced and belittled and ensured that they were not vocal enough. Then with the available freedoms of a democracy, brought about by the MDP and the Democratic movements and the first multi party elections; all scholars and preachers now had a voice. Still, the issue of death penalty was not raised at sermons or preachers on stage, at least not to the level that it made news headlines.
Many of our unfortunate young people had been murdered on the streets; no issue raised. Innocent Policemen and young girls being raped; no one batted an eye. A member of parliament and religious scholar was murdered on the streets and still no issue. Then it is time for the parliamentary elections, the government is afraid that opposition MDP will be stronger in the parliamentary elections; suddenly the issue is raised.
It is raised by Umar Naseer who once made a political party called Islamic Party and advocated for Shari-ah to be implemented. The man who lost his first bid for presidency in 2008 and then left his party and joined his then opposition, PPM and now is a minister of the PPM coalition government. The man raised the issue as Home Minister, via a special declaration, or directive to the authorities to start preparing for implementation of the death penalty via lethal injection. The Current President Abdullah Yameen, who is not known to be a strong advocate for Islamic law, was away and on his return to Male' furiously said that Umar had not consulted the cabinet. Today the cabinet has also advised the president that Umar was right and that we need to use lethal injection.
Then we saw MP Mahloof present to the parliament a request to have a public referendum on the matter, if we would want to implement lethal injection. Then he takes it back and apologises saying religious scholars have enlightened him on the matter, and calls upon the government to begin capital punishment.
It seems PPM or President Yameen cannot make up their mind, if they would implement the death penalty and gain support of the religious advocates for it or if they should, as their president of the party, ex-president Gayyoom did, ignore the religious voices and implement their own views. It seems now the final decision lies with the president. Ex-president Nasheed would be having a laugh imagining the turmoil within Yameen's self, for he had to face similar decisions. It was Nasheed in 2009 who created the Islamic Ministry and supported Adhaalath Party in the beginning;, for he once said, there was nothing better than politicizing the "scholars" who wanted power.
So it is a political decision,clearly! So does it mean, the government merely wishes to implement the policy for political gains rather than fear of God? Is the issue of implementation already decided, or will this be dragged on till the end of the parliamentary elections? Even MDP now has said that they have nothing against the implementation of lethal injection for those to be put to death.Does it mean the government and the opposition aligned already for the implementation? I believe so; this is not a matter of if the Death Penalty is allowed in Islam and has to be implemented but rather the way it is being used in Maldives Politics!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and it's Primaries!

I am not a member of MDP but i was a strong advocate for their ideals and beliefs back in 2004 to 2008. With the winning of the first multi party elections, we had so much hope for MDP and it's leaders. Our dreams of a democratic state were inadvertently linked to MDP. Let us leave what happened during their 3 years of rule for a later date.
Today, MDP once more is the opposition to the old dictatorial regime that has won the presidency via the peoples popular vote. PPM is the current face of the regime and it's broad coalition is made up for the rest of the political parties, all other than MDP, are united.
The parliamentary election in March 2014 will be a decisive moment; if the people want MDP back in power or it could also show the public to vote for qualities of candidates rather than their political alliance. MDP already threatened the current president that they would take a vote of no confidence against him if MDP wins majority seats in parliament.
When the DRP candidates joined MDP for the last presidential election, it was no real surprise. There were few parliamentary seats with DRP that were critical for MDP who are now with them. These seats belonging to Thasmeen Ali (ex-leader of DRP) and his wife's seat along with senior DRP leaders who joined MDP, like Rozaina, probably accepted to join MDP to secure their seats. There is nothing wrong here except politics itself. The issue arises when under suspicious circumstances, Thasmeen is allowed to win the primary without the inclusion of the votes of the largest island in his constituency based on the lack of "proper environment to vote". Surprisingly, all the DRP candidates who joined MDP now would have secured their seats in the MDP primaries. Thasmeen's rivals in the primaries are now calling foul play.
It is sad to see that many MDP members do not see the issue here. MDP no longer is owned or represented by few individuals but is a creature all by it's own independence. It has a responsibility to uphold the true values it promoted and inclined so many supporters towards it. Such issues of "undemocratic actions" should not taint it's image. If MDP wants democracy they cannot give it to the people in comfortable sips as they please; for that is exactly what ex-dictator Gayyoom said; "...Maldives is not ready for full democracy it has to be given in bits...".
MDP should allow for their incumbent Parliamentarians to be tested truly by their  constituents in the democratic manner that they have preached all these years. There should be no doubts, or room left for allegations of undemocratic behaviour. MDP is an ideal and it had given so many people so much hope for a better country and life. The members and it's leaders should not forget, they are to serve the people not themselves.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The parliament DOES represent the Society!

Sometimes i hear people say there should be a minimum qualification for members of parliament; especially since there is a minimum qualification for Judges as well. The Judges are not elected by the people but the parliament is!The parliament is representing the society!
Democracy is where the people elect their rulers and the people elect persons to represent their views and translate them into laws and regulations. The majority of the elected members of the parliament then legislate. If the members of parliament legislate with no conference or participation of their constituencies; then the public who elected them can vote against that person in the next election. 
Hence, the parliament truly represents the society in general. If we call the parliamentarians names we are very well calling names to ourselves. If the parliamentarians are ineffective then it is due to a bad choice of the public. Of course there are those who came with adequate qualifications and moving campaigns and lots of promises and simply fail to deliver. These persons we can rid ourselves of by not electing them the next election. 
Maybe we can put in a special clause that states after 6 months in through their term, if 2 thirds of the electorate wish to remove their representative, via a petition, or a referendum they can be removed. I am not sure of the efficacy or feasibility of this process, especially with financial constraints. Maybe it can happen in the future but not right now.
So, when we go to the polls in March 2014 to elect our representatives; the persons who represents our voices, let is be someone reflective of your beliefs. Not one who represents the party that you belong to; nor your relative or good friend. At the end of the day it is the public that decides who governs them in Democracy.
Then there is the issue of a vote of no confidence by the current opposition, Maldivian Democratic Party [MDP] against the government if they win a parliamentary majority this election. Ex-president Nasheed's statement saying they would do it seems more like an empty threat of a tired and defeated politician. His contributions for the democracy and governance establishment of political systems within the Maldives will always be remembered fondly, but his "threat" seems one if is a reality, to destabilize an already polarised nation. I  believe that if the current government is given their 5 year term, [by being the bigger person and not doing what they did wrong-two wrongs do not make a right and all that] he would simply fail as a politician or become a true dictator. There is no need for the change of the government until the next election.
MDP needs to focus on their parliamentary election campaign; for the primaries seemed too tainted with allegations of corruption and anti-democratic tactics. 
So elect who governs you carefully!!!

Friday 24 January 2014

Democratic Elections begin with Political Party Primaries

Today is the day that the biggest and probably the most democratic political party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) was to hold it's Primary elections for the Parliamentary candidates. Unfortunately due to administrative issues with regards to lists of voters it has been postponed. How does this affect the rest of us?
It affects us as they are the largest political organisation in Maldives, and they reflect a lot of the general population. MDP having a successful primary, in the most democratic manner, is paramount to upholding democracy as a whole within the nation.
Having Problems with the election can be viewed positively as well. To be optimistic; it can be said that the issues being raised is a sign that some sort of accountability does exist within the party and the people will not stand by and watch things go wrong any more.
MDP was an ideology of democracy and i hope it lives up to that ideology through this election. Good luck all candidates; VOTE FOR CHANGE!!!

Link to Haveeru Article:

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Every class I sit I think how much of the information that I grasp would really change my views. Everyday at the end I decide that at least one new idea has enriched me. This helps me believe that as humans every interaction can educate us and give us knowledge in some respect.Then I start to compare the rigid and interaction free class rooms in the schools of Maldives and the interactive and challenging class rooms over here. If we refrain from questioning we shall never learn. If we refrain from seeking answers to the questions we ask ourselves we shall never grow as a person. It is my dream that the schools of Maldives will become more interactive and teach children to doubt, question and learn from debate and discussion. For now I have to re-educate myself to do the same. The damage of the schools back home left its scars. Cheers have a lovely day people.

Monday 20 January 2014

Back on Blogger

MY first blog was about 9 years ago. My late teens and early twenties I did a lot of postings on what I believed and stood for. Addressing a lot of social issues and political issues I was exploring limits and new realities. Now I begin a new blog with a whole new out look on life. While a lot of beliefs stayed strongly since then, some have weathered and been left behind. Hope to have a continuous flow of words that reflect my life. Take care.